Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Healthy Eating Plan For Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight and the fad diet or pill that you are using right now is just not doing the job?

weight loss

 There is no surprise if you answered yes to that question because fad diets only work for a short period of time and diet pills barely ever work. There is a better way to lose weight and keep if off and you can do it through a healthy eating plan for weight loss, which you will discover right here.

We start with breakfast because it comes first in our days and it by far the most important meal of the day. You MUST have breakfast or you will be slowing down your metabolism and you will struggle to lose weight.

Breakfast should be the largest meal of your day and should contain most of your carbohydrates for the day. Avoid cooking with butter or buttering your toast. Also, avoid white breads and white sugars. Use honey to sweeten and avoid those horrible artificial sweeteners unless you want to get cancer some day.

A good breakfast would be 2 eggs, cooked in olive oil, with a bowl of oatmeal, a small breakfast steak, and a small bowl of fruit. If you must have coffee keep it to one or two cups, not pots because you really don't need it. Try substituting natural fruit juice and a glass of water. The fruit and fruit juice will give you natural energy that you cannot get from coffee and you will not need a cup of coffee later when the caffeine runs out.

Lunch should be of medium size and can include a few carbohydrates. You want to avoid fried foods and greasy burgers at lunch. If you are going to have a sandwich avoid white breads and don't allow your bread to be toasted with butter. Also avoid iced tea unless you drink it unsweetened and without adding any sugar or sweetener to it.

A good lunch would be either a medium sized salad with chicken or fish on it, with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing or vinegar and oil or a sandwich on whole wheat or grain bread with turkey or chicken, and no mayo or honey mustard. Make sure to avoid dressings that are not fat free naturally and avoid anything that is fried, buttered, or breaded.

Dinner is a simple smaller meal and should be a protein and a vegetable. Chicken, fish, or red meat is fine, but you should limit the red meat. Any vegetable will due as long as it is not covered in butter or canned.

You should allow yourself at least two snacks a day one between breakfast and lunch and one between lunch and dinner. These snacks should be either fruit, vegetables, all natural yogurt, or all natural granola bars. Avoid vending machine snacks and potato chips. You can add a few more snacks if you need to just make sure they are of the natural variety and vegetables are the best.

Now you have a healthy eating plan that will get you to your weight loss goals. Don't forget that your diet is only half the battle. You also need to be exercising on a regular basis and staying active. Use this plan along with exercise and you will see results.

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