Monday, June 29, 2015

Breakfast is the Key to Weight Loss

Medical research shows that people who have regular breakfast everyday are the ones who are the most successful weight losers and usually get defined abs before people who skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day which keeps you full, energized and active all day long. 

Studies show that if you miss on breakfast, then you eat more all day, have a slower metabolism and end up gaining more weight. Now you don't want that right. You want a healthy breakfast so that it can set you in the right gear to get defined abs. I have today a breakfast recipe for you that has enough nutrients in it to last you the whole day. It's a smoothie and lets call it the Power smoothie because it really is.
You will need:
  • Soy milk (soy milk is full of protein,great to get defined abs, has low fat, vitamin b 12; Protein helps in repairing all the muscles that you tear while exercising)
  • Blueberries (have lots of antioxidants)
  • Strawberries (full of vitamin c)
  • And Mango (naturally sweet, full of vitamin C)
Smoothies are better with frozen dried fruits so use that. When fruits are in season, buy extra and freeze their pulp. To make 25 oz of drink, use 5 oz of each component and blend it all in, in the smoothie maker with some ice cubes. Garnish it with some mint leaves and your delicious smoothie is ready. The delicious drink that will result will be full of Magnesium, Folate, Vitamin 3, Omega 3s, Protein, B carbonate and calcium.
That's pretty much the best way to start your day off with so many nutrients. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. With all this energy that you will get from this smoothie, you can go on for hours and lift weights, do crunches and shape up that abdomen of yours, Go get defined abs!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

How To Lose Weight In A Week

You want to know how to lose weight in a week because of a looming deadline - perhaps a special someone is coming to town, maybe health reasons, maybe you just want to fit into a bikini, or maybe it's something else. Whatever your motivation, there is every reason to lose weight.
how to lose weight

What's the problem? Our society is more obese than ever. People are getting uglier, fatter and lazier.
So what's the solution? Learn how to lose weight in a week. Or simply just learn how to lose weight. You'll feel healthier, look sexier and overall enjoy life more. You'll return to those joy-filled days of childhood, singing songs and running around. Well, almost... Anyway, follow these tips and you'll be shedding pounds within a week.
  1. Eat small meals more frequently. Research has shown that eating small meals is more conducive to weight loss. It keeps your metabolism burning for longer. One of the worst ways you can eat is to wait 5 - 6 hours and then pig out.
  2. 4 meals a day. Instead of the usual 3, eat 4 smaller meals. This keeps your metabolism burning on high throughout the day and will allow you to lose weight sooner.
  3. Calorie shift. This is simply changing your calorie intake at each meal. This keeps your body burning on high so you are more likely to lose weight.
  4. Water yourself. Forget about water weight - your body is more likely to retain water if you don't give it enough. So drink up and hydrate yourself, it's good for you and will help to lose weight faster and sooner.
  5. Go walking. Actually go outside and walk somewhere. If you prefer jogging, jog! The point is to exercise. You'll be happier and you'll lose weight faster.
With these tips you know how to lose weight in a week. You can't expect to lose a massive amount in a week by any standard, but you will lose weight nonetheless. Stick with it for a few months and you are guaranteed to be slimmer and sexier. Do you want to help some people? Go tell them how to lose weight in a week!

Quick Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight Quickly

Let's start by saying that if someone go online and search for these terms "quick weight loss" or "how to lose weight quickly" you will discover that a lot of results will appear.
How to Lose Weight

Let's take for instance you wanted to go to a social gathering and you can't fit in your much loved dress, or to make it worse, your wedding dress does not fit you on the day of your wedding. You may start to wonder how this is possible after you might have tried to lose weight, and admiring yourself in the mirror for at least 5X daily. Anyway we all know the reason why: it is due to your irresistible craving for those jumbo burger or those much loved chocolates.
The real truth is that nobody would want to find his/herself in such a situation. How to lose weight quickly and safely or quick weight loss? Mostly, this kind of question always runs through each person's mind that want to loss weight fast. There is no how you can lose weight straight away but that is not to say that quick weight loss is not possible. Just that you need to follow a step by step system and not just waking up and hoping to loss weight immediately.
The funny thing is that most people do not want to follow a hale and hearty routine, instead they look for ways which can provide them with sharp results even if it is unsafe but they don't know that it can be dangerous going that way. Quick weight loss or how to lose weight fast? Someone might ask, can I lose weight fast and safe using pills? What are the guidelines for losing weight quickly? All these questions and more are among the types of question that bothers people who are overweight. Do you know some people are even ready to do anything for weight lose quick results.
Now the answer to the question, how to lose weight quickly or how to lose weight quick, comprises a regular exercise, self control and hale and hearty diet.
Let us see the procedure to lose weight quickly and safely with diet.
*You can have all the fruits you want, but keep away from eating bananas on the first day.
*Have vegetables along with vinegar, mustard or soy sauce on the second day.
*Eat only fruits and vegetables on the third day.
*About five bananas and five glasses of milk ought to make up your meal for the fourth day.
*Eat chicken or fish along with vegetables on the fifth day
*You can include beef and vegetables in your diet on sixth day.
*Once more eat beef or chicken together with fresh vegetables on the seventh day.
I want to tell you that these diets will help you lose weight rapidly. Also, you can follow crash diets for a short time till you lose weight although it is better to retrieve to your normal diet later.
Another way to reduce fat is through surgery. This alternative is generally recommended to folks who are very obese. These days, there are lots of diet pills obtainable in the market to lose weight quickly but what I have to say is that someone have to discuss with his/her physician before making use of them to avoid the negative side effects. On the other hand, it is recommended that you ought to keep away from diet pills as they can be dangerous to your health. For this reason it is better to keep to the natural methods of weight loss since it has no or little side effect.
Follow These Tips to Lose Weight Quick-How to Lose Weight Quickly Guidelines
*Reduce your calorie intake. You can lose weight quickly if you burn more calories. For this reason, you have to engage in more physical activity and lessen the calorie intake to lose weight quick. You have to reduce the amount of salt and starches consumption in order to give you speedy results. Therefore, to lose weight quickly, you must eat the right kind of foods as calories matters most in case of weight loss. So it is vital to lose 7 calories per pound of your current body weight.
*Follow a hale and hearty diet and include foods like lean meat, egg whites, soy products, vegetables, fruits and dairy foods with no fats in their every day diet in order to lose weight fast and safely. Stay away from eating junk foods. Also try to add in pastas, salads, and fibrous foods in your every day diet. Replace white bread with brown bread. Make use of skimmed milk instead of the regular one since it has fewer amounts of fats.
*You have to exercise steady. Let me tell you, in case you don't know that cardio exercises decreases fat more rapidly. Therefore exercise no less than 30-45mis daily and it is vital to perspire during exercise.
*Try and consume green tea as it will help you out in losing weight.
Some helpful exercises in quick weight loss are.
*Household everyday jobs like cleaning, washing and even gardening are good forms of exercise but some don't know.
*Weight training exercises like dumbbells are very efficient in muscle toning. They will help in reducing fat plus result in inch loss.
*Aerobic exercises: This will help you build stamina and keep you healthy and fit.
Swimming is as well an effective form of exercise. It will develop your stamina and muscles.
*Crunches or ab exercises are effective if you want to achieve a flat belly.
All these are the ways which tell you how to lose weight fast. Mind you that extreme dieting can lead to a severe health problems.For that reason, it is advisable to have a hale and hearty balanced diet which will promote weight control. Please you have to stay away from too much alcohol and smoking. Since a positive outlook towards life promotes a healthy living. So be optimistic and live a stress free life.

Nutritious Snacks For Losing Weight

Learn to ride out your food cravings. They peak and subside like ocean waves. When you get an urge to eat, tell yourself that you can satisfy the craving if you really want to. Then wait ten minutes. This ensures that your eating is conscious, not compulsive. Keep in mind that most cravings last only a few minutes. Try doing something to distract yourself.
healthy snacks

 Also remember that food addiction is the same as any other addiction. That first bite only makes you want more. If you ultimately decide that you really do want that food, then decide how much is reasonable and enjoy it. Really enjoy it. Take one bite and savor the taste. Eat slowly. If you cannot control yourself learn to control it but on the process if you get a strong urge to snack while you're watching television below are my recommended nutritious snacks for losing weight. Another important tip if you must eat snacks occasionally to ward off hunger make sure they are healthy. Good choices include:
o Unsweetend low fat yogurt topped with granola or nuts and fresh fruits.
o Unsweetend gelatin made with fruit juice in place of sugar and water.
o Watermelon, fresh fruit or frozen fruit popsicles.
o Natural sugar free whole grain muffins.
o Celery and carrot sticks
o Low fat cottage cheese topped with fresh applesauce and walnuts.
o Freshly made unsalted popcorn.
o Rice cakes topped with nut butter (but not peanut butter).
One important thing also is do not eat any white flour products during snacks, salt, white rice, or processed foods. Also, avoid fast food restaurants and all junk foods. If the cravings for food persist and cannot be supplemented by nutritious snacks find out what causes your cravings. A craving for salt, chocolate, or sugar may actually be an indication of an underlying condition such as a mineral deficiency, food allergy, hypoglycemia, or hypothyroidism. If you still get a strong urge to snack while try reading a book, drinking a large glass of liquid, or taking a walk instead. If your cravings are triggered by where you are, move. If you're in the kitchen, go outside to relax, take a walk, or do yard word. If you're in the mall, avoid the food court.

Discover The Best Foods For Losing Weight

Going on a diet can be hard on the body so you want to be sure that you choose a program that is going to keep you healthy while you are losing those pounds. Fortunately, the best foods for losing weight are also foods that are good for your health so eating them can help you drop pounds, gain energy, and improve your health and mood.
lose weight

Whole Grains - One of the biggest culprits of weight gain is white flour. It is also one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. If you're looking to lose weight, you should strike any foods made with white flour from your diet immediately. This includes white bread, pasta and most baked goods. But that doesn't mean that you have to stop eating these foods. What you need to do is switch to breads, pastas and baked goods made with whole grains instead. Replace your white bread with whole wheat bread, eat whole wheat pasta or quinoa instead of spaghetti and throw out the white rice in favor of Brown Rice. Foods made with whole grains have nutrients in them that foods made with white flour do not and they will also make you feel fuller and more satisfied.
Vegetables - It goes without saying that vegetables are probably the healthiest food you can eat - they are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants so it stands to reason that a diet high in vegetables is going to be healthy for you and, since they are low in calories, they are also one of the best foods for losing weight. Adding more vegetables into your diet will help you be able to eat a larger volume of food while you still drop pounds. One strategy that I like is to increase the amount of vegetables in the dishes that you make. Stick with stir fries, rice dishes with vegetables or even just adding more vegetables in side dishes to your plate can help in your weight loss efforts.
Fruits - Like vegetables, fruits are low in calories and, if you're trying to lose weight, it's a good strategy to replace desserts in your diet with fruits. There are plenty of delicious recipes using fruit and you can also replace some of the fat and sugar in your baked goods recipes with fruits like mashed banana and apple sauce to create healthy, low-calorie and low-fat desserts. You can even add fruits to your stir fries and salads to add volume and taste.
Beans - Beans are incredibly healthy and have a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and they are also loaded in fiber which can help you feel full. Beans make an excellent substitute for meat in your diet because meat is very high in fat and calories. Switching some of your meals to "meatless" can be a great way to help in your weight loss efforts. Eating things like chile, rice and beans as well as casseroles and soups that have beans in them can be just as satisfying as a full meat dish but have a lot less calories.
When it comes down to it, the best foods for losing weight are those that are low in fat and calories and high in fiber. Choose foods that are low on the glycemic index because these foods will help you feel fuller and help you keep that full feeling for longer. The more full you feel, the less you will eat and the more successful your weight loss efforts will be.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Foods For Losing Weight Fast and Easy

Don't starve yourself on tasteless diet food! Did you know there are foods that make losing weight fast - and easy? Chances are you already have some of these super fat burning foods in your home. You just don't know how to use them, but I will explain.
losing weight

Some foods cause your metabolism to increase, which burns fat and calories. If eaten the right way, these foods can be very effective in losing weight fast. So you can forget the prepackaged 300 calorie diet meals. You don't need that expensive bland food any more.
Here are a few of the many fat burning foods that will help you in losing weight fast:
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Protein Meats like chicken
Whole Grains
Nuts and seeds
Cayenne Pepper (any peppers are good)
Dairy Products
Green Tea
This is just the short list! There is an endless supply of great foods that are effective. Now, knowing how to use these to increase weight loss is the key.
Basically, you need to combine your meals for the most effective calorie burning. This means you need to have a portion of protein, carbs, and fats in each meal that you eat. This is crucial to fast weight loss.
How many times per day should you eat? I know most people will answer three. Wrong! In order for foods to help you in losing weight, you need to eat smaller portions 4 or 5 times per day. Not only does this keep you satisfied, it trains your body to burn calories constantly.
Of course, this isn't all there is to the plan. This excellent program has helped thousands of people with weight loss. This online plan will teach you what foods to add to your diet and HOW to eat, a process called "calorie switching". If you really want to learn how to start losing weight with the foods you eat, just check out the link below.
Ready to drop those extra pounds fast? Learn about foods for losing weight - you won't believe how easy it really is to lose that fat.

All About Healthy Smoothies for Weight Loss

It is definitely hard to avoid the commercial snacks found in supermarkets and I think the only solution to this is to learn how to make some healthy smoothies for weight loss. It is also good to know how unlike your daily snack, it can contribute to weight loss. Fortunately, they are not so difficult to make and can be made even using fruits, yoghurt or even honey.

The first way to start this is ensuring that you have a blender in your house. These are not quite expensive though they depend on the make and complexity. A simple blender can however service your kitchen for long period. However, it is god to ensure that the one you have can be able to blend fruits and ice cubes. In short go for god quality.
While making a smoothie, make sure you go for the fruits you love to eat. Cut the fruits into small pieces and put it in a freezer. Do not however put every ingredient in the freezer. If you want to make a slim smoothie, mix it with yoghurt and then blend it. How much you use will affect the taste of the smoothie. Avoid adding sweeteners to your smoothie as it will mean that you are consuming a lot of sugars which are not good for weight loss.
The advantage with healthy smoothies for weight loss is that they only use fruits. Unlike others, they are sweet on their own and may not require that you add anything before consumption. Most home made smoothies will not require that you add any sweetener to them and your family can enjoy them like that.
If you are still wondering how they help in weight loss, read carefully. Fruits should be part of a balanced diet. They provide us with a lot of vitamins and some also provide us with a lot of water necessary for weight loss. When we consume these healthy smoothies, it means we are balancing our diet and at the same time helping our metabolic system work well. There is no doubt that a smoothie a day will help you shed off some pounds.
Again, a smoothie will help you resist the temptation of dropping into the supermarket to grab a snack. Most of these snacks contain very high calorie content and end up making us add a lot of weight. In the same way they put us in risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases as the excess fat blocks the arteries.
In as much as this is a healthy diet, make sure you do not replace your daily meal with a smoothie. The body still needs other forms of food as they rank differently in diet and nutrients. Since most of the fruits have calories though in low content, you may end up adding more pounds than you intend to. However, if you replace a breakfast snack with a smoothie, well and good because it will help you cut down on weight.
I bet that's all you need to know about healthy smoothies for weight loss, go ahead and prepare some; you will enjoy them so much.

Burn Belly Fat - Discover the Best Workouts For Weight Loss!

For decades now everyone from scientists to the man in the street have been trying to figure out the best workouts for weight loss. While there may still be a fair bit of controversy surrounding the subject it is fair to say that two exercises have risen to the top of the pile in terms of how effective they have proven to be. Here they are, the two best workouts for weight loss revealed:
lose belly fat

1) Interval training. For years it was though that doing a continuous exercise for 30-40 minutes at a steady state was the most effective way to burn belly fat. However recent studies have proven this not to be the case and that you can indeed do a great deal more 'belly fat burning' and improve your cardio-vascular system and boost you metabolic rate much more considerably with just 20 minutes of interval training. Interval training combines brief bursts of hard effort interspersed with gaps of recovery. An example interval training session would be as follows:
On a treadmill jog for three minutes at an easy pace as a warm up, then increase the speed to a pace at which you find very demanding (about 90% of full effort) and try to maintain this for one minute. After one minute reduce the pace to that of around 50% of your maximal effort level for another minute, following this do another minute at the 90% effort. Repeat this cycle for a period of 20 minutes. You will find this a very tough workout but the boost to your metabolism and health is well worth it.
2) The squat. This is primarily a weight training exercise but as recent science has proven weight training is very effective in aiding weight loss. First of all the more muscle you have the more calories you burn even at rest as muscle tissue requires more energy than other types of tissue to maintain throughout the day. Secondly, weight training of course burn calories on its own but its big advantage is that it raises the bodies metabolic rate for hours after the workout, much more so that any aerobic exercise.
Why the squat exercise? The squat exercise is very stressful on the entire body requiring a great deal of effort from pretty much all the muscle in the body. Your abs are used to maintain stability as are many of the muscles in the upper body, whilst the legs are obviously performing a very dynamic movement. The squat is also so stressful that it causes the body to release hormones that are perfect for both muscle building and weight loss, no other exercises (apart from perhaps that deadlift) can achieve this.
In fact one of the best workouts for weight loss would be a twenty minute interval training session followed by a few sets of squats. That would be a really powerful combination indeed. Now with your new knowledge go and burn some belly fat fast!

Workouts For Weight Loss and The Basics of Exercise and Training

Childhood obesity is a growing global concern, but should not be taken in isolation. Obesity in middle age and in some cases old age exists and should also be of concern. Regular and steady physical exercise can help in both areas, as it boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the "diseases of affluence" such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

But what is physical exercise? It can be defined as any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is executed for diverse reasons including strengthening muscles, strengthening the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or weight maintenance, as well as for the purpose of enjoyment. This is achieved by workouts for weight loss in a training program.
In any exercise or training regimen, certain guidelines should be followed to ensure effective results. Workouts for weight loss exist across the web and are available via e-books, but do they all provide information on the basics. In order to understand what is good training and exercise and what is not, it is important to understand what is good practice in any training, weight loss or exercise regimen
Listed below are general training and exercise guideline basics.
Strengthening of the heart muscles, as well as the lungs, can be achieved by Cardio exercise and training. Workouts for weight loss can also help the body burn calories more efficiently, which in turn aids in losing weight. Not all cardio training programs can be ideal for everyone, but there are enough that most people wishing to exercise can find a program that will suit. Today, more advanced and modern training methods, such as strength training and interval training will help you burn more calories in and out of the gym. With the right workouts for weight loss you can skyrocket your post-workout metabolism allowing you to burn almost twice as many calories as you would with traditional workouts.
As a general rule fifteen to thirty minutes of exercise can be considered a regular training session. With as few as three workouts per week, each less than fifty minutes in length. Workouts for weight loss will achieve rapid fat loss. It is recommended that these sessions should be short bursts with intervals between.
A good general fitness program will also give some focus to stretching and flexibility. An area often overlooked as being unimportant. However, some fitness experts consider stretching and flexibility to be important in promoting better movement and improved flexibility resulting in improved muscle relaxation after finishing workouts.
Stretching exercises should be performed prior to and immediately after any exercise program. Warm ups and warm downs should be considered to be an integral part of any exercise especially workouts for fat loss. This stretching and flexing ensures muscles do not tighten up and if done correctly will ensure no muscles are pulled during exercise.
Focus on commonly tight muscle areas stretching them sensibly, this reference is to hamstring and lower back. Stretch calf muscles because experience will tell you that they can tighten and pull if you are not careful. The right stretching exercises will feel comfortable and will not feel painful.
Using free weights in order to strengthen the muscles are exercises commonly used in strength training and will result in strengthening the muscles, bones and connective tissue. This is important as it tends to builds up muscles and helps increase body metabolism and that will reduce body fat.
Strength exercises as well as fat burn and workouts for weight loss are incorporated with the turbulence-training program. Strength build up in the muscles in the lower back, shoulders, chest, and the arms can be achieved. Testimonials show that followers of this program are experiencing real improvements in as little as three forty-five minute sessions a week. The Turbulence training workouts, which include workouts for weight loss will lose you fat, gain muscle, make you stronger, and still get out of the gym in under an hour while training as little as three days per week.

10 Secrets of Weight Loss Success Stories

I often peruse through MSN to look at the headlines and read the daily news. Today, something caught my eye. It was a headline about weight loss success stories from MSN Health.
lose weight

As a fitness author, I decided I'd go through some of these weight loss success stories to see if I could find some pertinent information that my readers could benefit from. I've always found that it's good to look at those who succeed to find out what they did to get to where they're at, and to learn from their mistakes.
I read through several weight loss success stories of both men and women from all over the country. Some were in their early twenties; others were closer to middle age. Some were married, some were single. Some were extremely obese to the tune of 300 lbs and over. Others were 20 to 50 lbs overweight. I read diligently jotting down notes as I went along.
You'd think that with such disparate people, you'd have completely different stories to tell. The details may have been different, but as I went through more and more stories, I began to uncover recurring patterns and commonalities.
I was amazed at the information I was gleaning. Many people pay good money to get this information, but here it was, free for anyone to read. With a good eye for patterns, I deciphered 10 common themes.
Here's what I discovered about the individuals who achieved the greatest weight loss success:
1. They got someone to push them through tough workouts. In some cases it was a personal trainer, others used a video trainer, and some used a friend.
2. They kept a food journal to keep them on track. This allowed them to see exactly what they were putting into their bodies, and make changes to their diet when the need arose.
3. They used a support group. Some used family and friends, others used Weight Watchers, to keep them motivated, honest, and keep their spirits up.
4. They stayed away from temptation. Having proven to themselves they don't do well in the face of temptation, they simply stayed away from sugary, and fatty foods. Like the old saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.
5. They used diet effectively by eating the right amount of calories based on their goals, controlling portions, and making healthier food choices.
6. They combined weight training with cardio. Most did weight training at least 3 times per week, and cardio anywhere from 3 to 6 times per week. Many also found that doing something they enjoyed (i.e. swimming, biking) helped them stay on track. Others found that working out with a purpose (i.e. training for 5k, 10K run) helped them push themselves more than they otherwise would have.
7. They stayed off the scale. It's demoralizing to step on the scale and not see a change. The scale is not always a good indicator of fat loss so most just stayed off of it completely, or only weighed themselves once per week, or once per month.
8. If they slipped, they didn't beat themselves up. They accepted it and moved on. They took it a day at a time so if they messed up today, they started fresh the next day and kept going.
9. They found other ways to cope with stress. Most of the people that were extremely overweight or obese got that way because they dealt with stress or emotional situations by eating. Once they realized it, they made a commitment to not be an emotional eater. Most found other ways to deal with stress such as going for a walk, run, or doing a workout.
10. They weren't afraid to examine their lives. By figuring out why they over ate, they were better able to cope with stress and emotions. Some even discovered that they were addicted to food. Through self examination, they were able to get at the root of the problem and deal with it differently than they had been doing all their lives.
As promised, I delivered 10 secrets of weight loss success stories. Take them for yourself and use them to help you achieve your own weight loss success. Soon, you will be the one with the weight loss success story of your very own.

Tips For Losing Weight Fast

Everyone who wants to lose weight is looking to lose it fast. I can tell you right now, that over 95% of people who want to lose weight fast, don't. If you're a slacker, leave right, but if you have what it takes to lose weight fast within a week, carry on reading. Now before working out like a mad man, you have to determine your ideal weight, and then work towards that goal.
weight loss

Tips For Losing Weight Fast
You have to record your daily calorie intake, if it's too high - take it down to a reasonable level. You need to be burning more calories then you eat - each and every day.
Fat free doesn't mean always mean low in calories. Some food packaging claim they're low in calories, but you need to be eating to a daily calorie limit, so make sure you glance over the nutrition label before purchasing.
Fruit and veg, you need to be eating 5-a-day, I'm sure you're well aware of that, make sure you do it. Everytime you have a craving for a snack such as chocolate or potato chips, grab an apple instead. Mind you you want to be buying fresh fruit and veg, I know you can buy processed fruit and veg, but they contain a higher fat content.
Avoid fizzy drinks such as coca cola. Even the diet version, they contain too many calories. Instead drink 9 glasses of water a day, this flushes out the toxins and waste in your body.
Exercise - the most important part. You have to be burning more calories than you eat every day. I recommend working out for at least 60 minutes a day. It's up to you what exercises you do, you have to do what's in your comfort zone, so you avoid injurys. I recommend swimming, go swimming for an hour a day - every day! Always go in the evening though, so you can count the intake of calories you've had through out the day and work out accordingly.

The Low Carb Diet

In summary, the existence of the low carb diet has been recorded throughout history. Before, it was thought that a low fat diet was the most direct and effective tool to losing or maintaining weight. Fat contains most of a food's flavor.
The Low Carb

 Low fat diets forced people to consume low fat foods with enhanced sugar content. In fact, all processed low fat foods contain added sugar. These sugars contribute to weight gain as sugar is the first element that the body converts into fat. This fat is stored for future use as energy. Next to sugar, carbohydrates are what the body uses to burn as energy. With minimal carbohydrates, the body is forced to convert fat into energy. This, in essence, is the philosophy of a low carb diet; take in fat and minimize carbohydrates to reduce, eliminate or reverse weight gain.
South Beach, Atkins and Zone are some examples of low carb dieting methods. These low carb diet methods effectively reduce insulin levels in the body. This forces the body to use fat for energy. Insulin is a hormone that commands the body to store fat. In addition, high carb diets stimulate eating which, in turn, stimulates even more eating.
In the United States, the penchant for and belief in low fat and high carb diets has resulted in the rise of obesity, morbid obesity and cardiovascular diseases. In a very glaring contrast, the French diet of high fats and low carbs consumption has resulted in lesser incidents of these diseases. The Mediterranean diet is a good example of a low carb diet where you get low carbs and high fats. Since the fats are not significantly reduced, the flavors of the foods are retained. The prospect of having to forsake one food group for better weight management is not present at all with this diet. It would seem that the food industry and nutritionists in the United States have mistakenly led people to believe in the effectiveness and healthy benefits of high carb-low fat diets. By all indications, the low carb diet should have been emphasized in the beginning as the correct method for losing or maintaining weight.
The Navy Hospital in Oakland, CA conducted a study back in 1965. They established a 1000 calorie diet for the test subjects together with a low carb diet and high fat consumption. Concurrently, another test group was subjected to fasting. After a ten day testing period, it was found that people who used the low carb diet method lost more weight than those who fasted. A negative effect of low carb dieting is that it lowers dietary fiber intake. This may result in constipation unless dietary fiber supplements are used in conjunction with a low carb diet. It is wise to eat natural foods such as fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods like cereals and baked foods to get your daily dose of carbohydrates. These natural foods tend to give better quality nutrients than processed foods.
In the food industry, negative effects on manufacturers of foods with high carb contents are slowly being felt. As more and more people move away from low fat diets to the low carb diet, some food producers such as pasta factories and doughnut makers are finding themselves needing to scramble in order to find equilibrium in a radically changed market. On the opposite side of the fence, food manufacturers have been able to meet the demand of low carb diet practitioners by producing low carb products such as soy to replace wheat flour and artificial sweeteners to replace sugar.
The low fat diet has served its purpose. How posterity will picture its success or failure, only time will tell. As of now, the low fat diet is close to being tagged as mistake. Quite rightly, the low carb diet is being heralded as the proper method for losing or maintaining weight. The biggest advantage of this diet is all about the fat. Again, fat gives flavor to the food. A low carb diet will ensure that your food tastes as it should taste instead of relying on artificial flavoring or too much seasoning to make your food taste like, well, something.

Losing Weight With Online Healthy Recipes

Losing weight is often associated with bland, flavorless food. However this does not to be the case. With the surge in weight loss remedies and techniques people are turning to healthier, safer and fun ways to shed the extra pounds.
weight loss

Looking for Tasty Online Healthy Recipes
A number of online recipes abound online. There are a lot of websites that offer free low calorie recipes that are designed to contain less calories but are as tasty as regular dishes. You just have to know where to look.
Breakfast is perhaps one of the easiest meals to prepare even if you are planning on losing a couple of pounds. Replace the usual bagels or donuts with fresh fruit. Fruit crepes, French toast, omelets with vegetables are good substitutes for your usual breakfast fare which are lower in calories and sugar. Look up weight loss breakfasts online and you will see hundreds of recipes for delicious breakfast meals with only half the calories as your regular breakfast.
Hearty Meals
Weight Watchers is an excellent organization that helps those who want to lose weight do this by making sure that they eat healthy foods that are not calorie-laden. Weight Watchers offers a ton of free recipes for meals on its website. Enjoy Angel hair pasta in a creamy mushroom sauce, lasagna or side dishes of almond fried rice or bacon cheese swirled potatoes without having to feel guilty. You can also find web sites that offer these recipes with corresponding Weight Watchers points so you will know how much to eat and when to stop. All the recipes made for weight watchers have corresponding number of calories per serving.
There are recipes for salads that you can easily make at home. Contrary to popular belief salad dressings can be exceptionally fattening. Look for recipes for salads that contain beets, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes and carrots. Add vinegar instead of the usual mayo, along with a bit of virgin olive oil and your salad is ready.
Who says that losing weight means that you must forgo your pastries and ice cream? There are a lot of recipes that you can follow to make mouthwatering pastry and low-calorie ice cream to satisfy those cravings. It may be no Hagen Daz, but you can get your ice cream fix without having to worry about gaining more extra pounds.
Healthy Drinks
Soda is full of sugar and the so-called health shakes they sell in gyms will give your body more calories than it needs. Instead of opting for fruit juice or shake after a work-out, go for vegetable juice. There are various online healthy recipes for veggie juices in the internet. These are as every bit as nutritious as fruit juice with lesser calories and they are rich in fiber which helps give you regular bowel movement. If you really want your serving of fruit in liquid form, make your own fruit smoothies but avoid adding sugar, whipped cream, honey or other sweeteners. Avoid drinking smoothies from restaurants because they most likely contain loads of sugar and cream. You can also have your fruit juices as long as they do not contain added sugar.

Mediterranean Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss

Mediterranean food is not restricted to 15 countries of that region. It is getting famous all around the world because of its benefits and it really helps humans for better health. Main secret for Mediterranean recipes is use of items that don't contain too much saturated or monounsaturated food; hence they are healthy recipes for weight loss. Here are some of the Mediterranean recipes that you can try yourself.
weight loss

Healthy pancakes
First of all, combine egg, mix white flour, and 1 cup soy drink in one bowl till the mixture smooth. Te make pancake using this mixture, you can use non-stick vessel. Bake that from both sides till its color gets brown. For garnishing, you can use fruits and honey only because they contain less fat. Healthy pancakes can be great alternative for other one as far as healthy recipes for weight loss are concern.
Minestrone soup is one of the most commonly used healthy recipes for weight loss by Mediterranean people. It will be part of your Mediterranean diet plan if you have opted for one. You will need ingredients like 6 cups chicken stock (vegetable stock will also work fine), chopped garlic, diced bacon, rosemary, diced zucchini, chopped onions, cooked pasta, diced tomatoes, bay leaf and thyme, hot peppers, and parmesan cheese.
Procedure: First of all, sauté celery, onions, and chopped garlic in olive oil to make this healthy recipe for weight loss. Then add herbs and spinach in that mixture and cook it till it softens. Add vegetables and stock in that. You can also add cheese if want cheesy flavor. Keep it on the slow flame of stove for 15 minutes. Cook pasta separately and add into this mixture. You can garnish this dish as you like but just make sure that you are using healthy ingredients for garnishing.
Easy Lasagna
Ingredients: Broth, fresh herbs, feta cheese crumbled onions, and garlic, cooked lasagna noodles, tomato pasta sauce, Granted Mozzarella, and chopped spinach.
Procedure: Use thick pan and extra virgin olive oil to sauté garlic and onions to start proceedings with this healthy recipe for weight loss. Add fresh herbs and broth in that. Then add spinach in that mixture and cook it for few minutes. You can use baking dish to serve it. Just make sure that you coat that dish with cooking spray. Garnish that with mozzarella cheese and cooked noodles.
Healthy Salad
For healthy salad, you can use sliced spinach leaves, cucumbers, bell pepper, tomato wedges, sliced black olives. You can also add salad dressing on that.
Grilled Lamb
Ingredients like olive oil, balsamic vinegar, fresh basil chopped garlic, salt, pepper, and minced onions are used in this Mediterranean recipe. You need to grill lamb chops for 3 hours and add others items then after.
Ingredients for this Mediterranean recipe for Mediterranean diet plan: 2 cups couscous, minced parsley, garlic, scallions, coriander, 1 tsp. paprika, 4 cups boiling water, and 2 tbsp. olive oil.
Procedure: Pour boiling water on couscous while cooking it. Do it for few minutes and then add garbanzo beans. Combine all other items and gradually pour them over the mixture.

2 Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss: Delicious Sha Bang Eggs and Homemade Muesli

When deciding what to eat for breakfast you can sometimes fall into a rut of eating the same foods over and over again, while this is no bad thing, it is nice to have that little bit of variety. This article gives you two excellent and delicious healthy breakfast recipes that if eaten in conjunction with other healthy meals as well as a progressive training program will go a long way towards helping you achieve your weight loss goals.
breakfast for weight loss

1. Sha bang Eggs:
Coming up with healthy breakfast recipes for weight loss needn't be that hard. Eggs are a great breakfast food and cooking with them couldn't be simpler. Try these delicious "Sha Bang Eggs".
This healthy breakfast recipe for weight loss is high in healthy fats and protein which means it's perfect if you're on a low carb diet or following a carb cycling routine such as intermittent fasting "leangains" style.
Serves 1
2 eggs, beaten.
1 small avocado peeled, pitted, and diced.
1 red pepper, seeded and diced.
1⁄2 small red onion, peeled and chopped.
1⁄2 tomato, diced.
Fresh baby spinach leaves.
Handful fresh cooked prawns.
1 tsp coconut oil.
1-2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced.
A combination of the following fresh herbs, washed and chopped: parsley, basil, sage, tarragon, dill, or chives. Sea salt and pepper to taste.
In a large wok, sauté the onion, bell pepper, and garlic in oil. When the onions are soft, add the eggs, prawns, avocado, tomato, and spinach. Continue cooking on medium heat until eggs are cooked and scrambled, then add herbs. Season if needed.
2. Homemade Muesli:
Store bought muesli can often be very high in unwanted sugars (definitely not good when you're on a weight loss path) and because of this they are generally very high in calories. This healthy breakfast recipe for weight loss is delicious, full of fibre, complex carbs, protein and healthy fats without all the extra sugar. A perfect way to break your fast.
Serves 1-2
• 1lb Gluten free Porridge Oats
• 1 cup Flaked Almonds (or mixed nuts to preference)
• ½ cup Flax seeds
• 1 cup coconut milk
1. Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a big bowl with coconut milk and leave until all the liquid is absorbed by the oats. Spread the mix thinly across a baking tray and toast in a low heated oven until lightly browned and fully dried.
2. Serve with coconut milk when cooled.
Thanks for reading.